The picture in the header of this page shows the Missouri River between South Dakota and Nebraska. The closest towns to this location are Obert, NE and Vermillion, SD.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hear What They Mean

Most of the time, I am fascinated by multiple meanings, puzzles, and a variety of perspectives, but sometimes, we need to return to some basics.

I once heard a professor say that any one word in language is the only word that will properly fit into an intended meaning. If that is truth, then our culture is using language very destructively. We accept a variety of meanings to fit the needs of groups of people.

When someone lies when trying to be convincing to a group of people, they are said to be "spinning." If someone is greedy, we are often told "it's just business." Exaggeration is said to be hyperbole, and omitting elements of truth is "selecting information."

We are trying to run schools and colleges as though they were businesses. Education should be on the same plane of importance as other aspects of culture, and should not be controlled by something extraneous. Meanwhile kids and even adults are not learning how to be good citizens and well-rounded individuals. Business is only the means to achieve education, it should not be an end in itself.

Politics is not religion, even if people commit their lives to holding or serving public office. Religion needs to belong to individuals, then to groups of people of like beliefs. Politics is a long way from the individual benefits of religion. Politicians may say they are religious, but they may not act religiously. We need to decide whether it's more important to believe what is said or believe what we observe.

We have a superimposition of business, politics, religion and education and they do not blend well. Nevertheless, speech writers and public information personnel are paid to blur the parameters of each. Of course those four elements affect one another, but the effects should be more subtle than obvious.

Beneath those large groups that include education, business and politics, we have confusion of other words. If we observe social media, we can find examples of people discussing love when they are actually discussing sex. People see anything that is pleasing to the eye as beauty, but it goes beyond what we can see. Finally, people believe they are happy when they have everything they want, rather than all the things they need.

We need to stop being influenced by the desires of others to have success or importance. We need to listen to the words spoken, compare them to what they really mean and then carefully consider if the words make sense to what we know is truth.

Education is not business. Politics is not religion. Love is not sex. Beauty is not attractiveness. Happiness is not possessions.